
iCBT for Tinnitus

Welcome to this iCBT for Tinnitus programme (internet-based cognitive behavioural therapy) which is designed for those who experience bothersome tinnitus and wish to learn how to manage the distress caused by their tinnitus using the techniques of CBT.

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How to access iCBT?

To gain access to this comprehensive self-help iCBT programme for Tinnitus contact us. Please make sure that you are using a desktop or laptop as the small screen of mobile phones is not suitable for iCBT pages. The recommended web browsers are Safari, Firefox or Chrome.

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Why should I use iCBT for my tinnitus management?

In 2020, digital CBT programmes for tinnitus were recommended by The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE). NICE is sponsored by the UK Department of Health and Social Care and provides national guidance and advice. In a recent survey, about 90% of hearing healthcare professionals reported that it is “Extremely likely” or “Likely” to use this iCBT for Tinnitus programme as a complementary intervention to the services that they provide for their patients. 

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Structure of iCBT for Tinnitus

This programme comprises 7 online modules and is aimed at improving access to this evidence-based intervention for anyone who experiences this debilitating condition anywhere in the world. Our iCBT modules are designed based on a successful tinnitus-focused audiologist-delivered CBT method that has been used in the NHS and private clinics for a decade with over 90% of the patients reporting high effectiveness in helping them to manage their tinnitus. For more information read a trilogy of original articles that have been published in the International Journal of Audiology, the American Journal of Audiology and the Journal of the American Academy of Audiology.

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Research on iCBT

iCBT is a proven concept. In the last decade, a large number of research studies have demonstrated that iCBT combined with clinician’s support is very effective as an alternative to traditional face-to-face treatments among individuals with a wide range of chronic health conditions including tinnitus. A systematic review conducted by researchers at Department of Psychology, University of Regina, Canada gives a detailed analysis and review of the efficacy of iCBT in improving psycho-social and condition-specific physical symptoms among those with chronic health conditions.

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About Us

This innovative and informative iCBT programme for tinnitus has been developed by Dr Hashir Aazh (Audiologist, Specialist in Tinnitus, Hyperacusis and Misophonia Rehabilitation, UK) and is owned and published by the Hashir International Specialist Clinics & Research Institute for Misophonia, Tinnitus and Hyperacusis Ltd which is a limited company registered in UK with registered number 08533239.

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In recent years, I found myself constantly annoyed with the high-pitched sound that I knew I could not get rid of and I never had a way to properly manage my tinnitus until I learned about the iCBT program. I used to rely on background noises such as my fan, music, or the television to help “mask” the ringing that I hear. Prior to taking the iCBT modules, I would often find myself annoyed whenever I was in a situation in which I could not rely on background noises. In these situations, I was never able to stop thinking about how annoying the ringing was, along with how it made me feel.

After completing the iCBT modules and learning different techniques, it impacted the way in which I view my tinnitus. Learning about how to apply positive psychology to my tinnitus changed how I felt when there was not much background noise for me to rely on. Prior to these modules, whenever my tinnitus was louder than normal when trying to fall asleep, I would become very frustrated. This frustration then caused me to become more awake and resulted in me being tired the next day. With the knowledge that I learned from these modules, I now have a new way to handle this situation.

The iCBT program is a very valuable resource for those who are suffering from tinnitus.

This program is a great resource and can help those who may be suffering. The techniques that were taught really changed how I live with tinnitus, and it helped me learn how to push my tinnitus to the background.

I feel that these modules also impacted my life outside of tinnitus. It made me see that I should have a more positive outlook on many different aspects of my life, and has allowed me to handle situations differently than I would have prior to this program.

Jordyn Costosa